Classes are tailored to cultivate students’ individual and collective abilities

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As a consequence of the early intervention school Singapore, students get a complete education throughout their educational journey. Beyond their considerable experience working with children who have learning challenges, the team is committed to providing parents with detailed information about effective communication with their children.

The Integrated International School (IIS) is a modern, boutique school that opened its doors in 2008 and served students worldwide. Located in the West of Singapore, this contemporary boutique school integrates two teaching methods mainstream and support into a single comprehensive learning environment, making it the only school of its type in the nation. Children’s abilities and skills are developed via the implementation of a core socio-emotional curriculum to supplement academic learning / behavioral help. Students benefit from a more intimate learning environment due to the one-to-six student-to-teacher ratio at this school.

A flexible curriculum is followed throughout the school

Depending on their requirements and abilities, a particular education school or a mainstream school for children and adolescents with special needs may be the most appropriate option for them to attend. In addition to providing additional support to children with special needs as part of their general education curriculum, both schools also offer specialized assistance to students with special needs who need more comprehensive and specialized services.

At IIS, students may make use of on-campus services such as speech and behavioral therapy suites, as well as individual counseling suites. Due to the school’s multi-sensory atmosphere, it is used as a backdrop for regular meditation sessions, creative play, group therapy sessions, and yoga sessions for children. Students at IIS may also participate in Occupational Therapy classes on the school’s jungle gym, which is located on the school’s campus.

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