Easy way to boost your drawing skills:

Estimated read time 2 min read

If you are an enthusiast like me you should be searching for ways to improve your craft. No matter if you’re a pro or a beginner there’s always scope for improvement. So you presume there is more to be learnt or ought to never stop learning.

In this column I will share suggestions which can demonstrate ways to improve your skills. It may happen that a few of the strategies and techniques that I will describe are known to you. However, I believe you will find or you don’t use it if you know about it. Detailing these tips here will be acting for you as a refresher.

Even the dry wash technique works well in case you would like to cover huge areas of your drawing. It produces a tone that is nice. You employ some graphite powder or start by adding marks. Using a tissue or cloth pick up a few of the graphite and lightly rub on it across the paper.

Drawing remembers me that you might need to erase your job to make corrections draw with pressure because your job will be simple and your drawing wouldn’t look dirty, suggestion will be. Never use a tier pencil. When attempt to make corrections because if you do, you’ll discover undoing your job is difficult. Constantly use HB grade pencil to be secure.

Using Grid papers can be a learning aid for those beginners. Grids help since they give the new comers clues concerning the items’ and, characters’ size and placement. However, you ought not to be dependent on it, after you think that feeling of ratio, position & size is currently taking shape quit using grid papers.

A thing you should keep in mind that is a process of converting 3D fact of our shapes on the paper. So when you’re drawing on a mind having an elliptical shape or an oval believe the shape to be an air this can make your job of eyes and positioning nose really easy when the head is turned towards a side.

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